
Feeling a little anxious and lost today.

I stopped working at 5 pm, then took a little walk around the neighbourhood, got some groceries and sat in the park. That’s all good.

Then something happened:

Instead of rushing to do my favourite things, I slumped on the bed to “read and research”, which is an euphemism for kinda sorta doing something, but not really doing anything. At best, it amounts to random noodling around. I was reading a Wikipedia article about wisdom, with an idea in my head that I would like to write a blog post about something like that.

I am no wiser about wisdom now, but I wasted two hours, during which my anxiety, dread and feeling of fuck-it-all grew. 

Here’s what I want to share with you, and remind myself of:

  • Choose what kind of hour / evening / day you want to live. Decide what it includes.
  • Get on with it right now, as if your life depended on it. In a way it does.

Having acknowledged that, and having put this up here, I feel much better now.

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